Sunday, December 19, 2010

Quotes by Laura Bonetzky

Quotes by Laura Bonetzky-Joseph, CMS, RMT, Managing Director of MedSpa New England.  Copyright © 2008-2010 by Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. All Rights Reserved.


 "Stop, Listen, & Observe For They Will Guide You"  3/25/09

"Fear is worse than the abuse itself as without fear the abuser has not control" 4/16/09

"Fear is the only obstacle that will prevent you from achieving your desired goal" 8/25/09
"Courage is fear confronted & willingness to pass thru it. " - 12/17/10

"Each day is a carburetor adjustment towards what I want to achieve"  6/23/09

"When life throws you a curve ball, it is up to you to find the best strategy to overcome it. Perseverance and endurance can go a long way. Not to mention faith" 9/3/09

"Be at peace with where are in this moment in this given time. You can not change where you are at, but with awareness, you open the door to possibilities" - 10/7/10

"Today is filled with possibilities if you choose it to be" - 10/24/10

"Truth is not in the words you say but in the actions you do!" 2/18/10

  "Stop, Listen, & Observe For They Will Guide You"  3/25/09

 "Let your mind become still and you will be able to listen to the world" 3/9/10

"Courage is fear confronted & willingness to pass thru it. " - 12/17/10

Copyright © 2008-2010 by Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. All Rights Reserved.

Favorite Quotes

Below are some of my favorite quotes.... Please add some that may have had an impact in your life.

"Believe Nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your reason and your own common sense" - Buddah

"Your children will become what they see. So be what you want them to be"  - David Bly

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but to learn to dance in the rain" - unknown 
"Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. Courage is what counts"-  Sir Winston Churchill

"A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses" - unknown
"Relationships based on obligation lack dignity" ~ Dr. Wayne W Dyer 
"The greatest gift is not found in a store or under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends" - unknown
 "Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances" ~ Dr. Wayne W Dyer

"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” - HH Dalai Lama

"When you are exposed to others' negativity, you do not need to respond. You can choose to put your attention elsewhere and let their words be a tiny drop in the infinite ocean of your peaceful silence." ~ Deepak Chopra

"When you are feeling obligated to do something and you are not freely giving, then you are not giving from your heart and soul. When you give from your heart it bring you joy, if you give out of obligation it brings you anger." -  Penny Spellberg

Being Blessed & Life's Journey

I am blessed w/ spirit guiding me to the wonderful people in my life currently and assisting me with clearing out all the cancerous souls that were preventing my soul to flourish.

Life can hand you a deck of cards that at times makes you feel no matter what card is pulled, you lose and there is no way out of your situation.  Not true.  It's all an illusion to some degree as you can not choose the cards given to you, but you sure can choose how you react to them and how you play those cards.   A hard lesson I have been learning over the past 10years and still learning.

However, I'm grateful for those life lessons going through this journey. These lessons give you the strength, wisdom, and endurance to move forward in even the darkest of light.  It is like training for a marathon.  You may not know how to start when you are in the thick of it, but as you journey through it, problem solving along the way, maintaining faith and belief, staying strong, sticking to your goals, treating your mind, body, and spirit healthy, you will prevail. Will it be as you exactly hoped it be?  Probably not, but then again, life gives you surprises along the way and challenges you to make you better - better at your craft, better at relationships or family, a better person, better at gratitude or positive thinking, better at your health or whatever it may be. Someone once told me, "it is always darkest before it becomes dawn".  I always tell myself that when I see myself possibly moving backwards.

Learning those lessons are very important so you will no longer have to endure the same hardships again.  AND learning those lessons with a positive outlook and not with guardedness or preservation as those will give you a false sense of learning those lessons you are to learn.

So what cancers do you need to heal, treat or cut out of your life, and what lessons do you have to learn or struggling to learn to move forward in your life?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sixteen honorees were selected for innovation, leadership, and community service | New England Business Bulletin

I am so grateful for all who believe in me in what I do. Thank you so much for this wonderful honor. I am more grateful than any of you can possibly imagine. Thank you Thank you Thank you. You enrich my life in more ways than you could possibly imagine. I love what I do and love more what I am able to help guide others to change their life for the better. Thank you again for nominating me. Thank you Pamela for a wonderful article and thank you NE Business Bulletin for choosing me among your winners. - Laura Bonetzky-Joseph.

To Read more on the articles written or complete list of winners:

Sixteen honorees were selected for innovation, leadership, and community service | New England Business BulletinNovember 24, 2010

New England Business Bulletin recognizes emerging leaders; By SEAN McCARTHY; December 17, 2010

Top Young Professionals Under 40
2010; Winners Page 1; Winners Page 2